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Friday, July 29, 2016

HOW TRUE : Nigerian Army : Boko Haram have been eliminated

Nigerian army courageously announced the total and complete elimination of terrorist camps and shelters of Boko Haram in the north-eastern Nigeria. Colonel Sunny Usman, who is also the Acting Director of our Army Public Relations, told the news to the public at the time of the inauguration of popular Strategic Communications Course for some senior officers of the Nigerian Army School of Public Relations and also Information Bonny Camp in Lagos. Boko Haram news impressed all Nigerians.  The statement that was rapidly read to the publicity, Usman told: ‘We have just come to the point, when we can beat our chest and at last decisively say that we have successfully dealt with Boko Haram. The whole situation in the north-east of Nigeria has tremendously improved. All the military operations or so-called fight against the terrorism and insurgency in Nigerian north-east is always hinged on three things. And then, the restoration of order and law for good governance must take place. So we no longer have a camp of Boko Haram terrorists, and also we no longer have to pass on their territories. Those who were still close now open to such an extent that we have cross-border trade. Take into account, for example; most recently, we just re-opened an important road, which links Chad, Cameroon and Nigeria. We came to the conclusion that we can beat our chest and proudly say emphatically that we had dealt with Boko Haram’.  ‘It is in this context that the Office for Public Relations Army puts a high premium on the training of all soldiers and officers. Nigerian Army School of Public Relations and media must still remain focused on the training of soldiers and officers, to meet the needs of skilled and well-trained workforce.

It is the first of its kind for the further expansion of future joint operations of our armed forces and perhaps international military intervention. I hope that such course will exist to make the desired impact on everyone and the apparent growth fertilization of ideas among all the participants. In addition, our desire is to observe that at the end of this course, we are already more intelligent senior officers. In addition, they must be well equipped to take part in the adoption of strategic decisions or to obtain information of the army of Nigeria and also distribution management’. Boko Haram. Nigeria  Let us remind you, on Thursday July 21 there was the last battle the army fought with the insurgent. The troops confirmed that some of the soldiers were missing in fight while some were wounded. Boko Haram latest news was everywhere for a very long period. Is it the end? Or it’s only a beginning of a new ‘war’? Let’s hope everything will fine and our country will live peacefully.

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